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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

How Negative Thinking Effects Your Health

Have you ever been at home or at work and became frustrated with the task at hand and muttered to yourself “I can’t take this anymore!” We all have many pressures in our lives. Whether it is raising families, trying to make the mortgage payments, keeping up with the kids or a myriad of other things we deal with on a day-to-day basis.

Most of us find ourselves talking in negative tones, using negative words and becoming quite depressed afterwards. Sometimes we are so tired we can’t get out of bed or do a simple chore. The effects of negative thinking can and do have serious health consequences.

Negative thinking causes headaches, body aches and a host of health-related conditions that might not normally occur. While depression is the main culprit, it is caused by feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, fear and anxiety. These feelings will generally result in an overall feeling of hopelessness. They can also lead to heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, negative thinking creates stress and stress is the number one cause of major health problems today. While it’s not easy to stay positive in a world that’s often negative, the idea is to focus on you and your family. Stay focused on what you can control, not what is totally out of your control.

There are people whose lives are surrounded by negativity and they have been plagued with diseases such as cancer and other debilitating illnesses. While there are those who live in there own little world made up of negative thoughts and feelings, there are those who will battle those feelings with every fiber of their being to ensure they enjoy life to the fullest and not worry about tomorrow.

Positive thinking people may be less likely to get sick, and their view of the world is to always to look for the good in others, appreciate the now and not worry day after day about the future. They enjoy each day as it comes and live in the moment. With everything going on in the world today, perhaps this is the best alternative to bemoaning one’s life and future.

The key to a long life is to stay focused on the here and now, enjoy loved ones and friends, experience new things, conquer old fears and live with a positive attitude as much as possible.