Kid Approved Meals

Kid Approved Meals Weekly Breakfast and Lunch Menus Moms and Kids Love!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Kids Who Jump Robe Have a Healthy Heart

Jumping rope is such a favorite activity during the school years, here's a great article about some benefits you may not have realized this activity gives children! Maybe it's time for us to jump in too!


One of the activities we all looked forward to during lunch recess was going out to the schoolyard and jumping rope. Engaging in double-dutch rope jumping was the best and most fun activity we enjoyed. Today, kids are still enjoying this physical activity and have even taken it up a notch or two.

While the benefits of jumping rope are numerous, it does play a vital role in keeping kids’ hearts healthy. Even adults who utilize jumping rope find the cardiovascular workout to be even more effective than running or walking. While some of us had a problem trying to jump in to the spinning ropes, kids seem more adept at establishing their foot, hand, and eye coordination at an early age.

Jumping rope is not only great for the heart, but helps in losing weight as well. Even single rope jumping can become an intense workout. While some kids may not be as coordinated as Rocky, there are wonderful videos available for exercises that can teach anyone how to add new techniques to rope jumping.

As mentioned earlier, jumping rope is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. In addition, the workout utilizes all of the muscles in the body. For kids jumping rope, it is a necessary ingredient in building strong bones, which is important to them as they grow older.

While jumping rope in our day was a fun way to release pent-up energy, it has become an art form today for kids. With all of the maneuvers and techniques used, it’s a great way to maintain a healthy heart, increase energy, and keep the body physically fit.

Instead of watching TV or playing video games, encourage your kids to jump rope. If you excelled in this activity, perhaps you can teach your kids a few tricks as well.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Inhale . . . Exhale ~ Breathing and Exercise

Inhale and Exhale: When To Do Which During Exercise?

Breathing, we do it every day without being consciously aware of how we do it. Yet, the act of inhaling and exhaling during exercise takes on another dimension. Most experts agree that one should exhale upon exertion and inhale upon release. The reason for this is that there is less risk of injury internally.

Some women have a difficult time with this particular technique since the tendency to hold ones’ breath when exerting pressure is quite common. It is recommended that, for example, if you are lifting a heavy object to exhale as you begin the lift and then inhale when you slowly place the object down.

Another school of thought suggests that when conducting any form of exercise, there is a tendency to breathe through the mouth, which is why so many people new to exercising get out of breath. The proper way is to breathe through the nose. All experts do agree, however, that breathing during exercise routines should be normal and not forced.

Engaging in cardiovascular workouts or aerobic workouts is another example in which breathing should be natural. Moreover, it is advised to breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth, which allows the heart rate to slow down as well as your breathing. Yet, professionals who teach Yoga instruct their students to breathe only through the mouth.

Sound confusing? Well, the best advice is when it doubt breathe normally. Eventually, the more practice you have under your belt the more you will be able to get the breathing part of exercising down to a science.

While much has been written about when to inhale and exhale during exercise routines, there is a right way of breathing. The problem is, depending on which professional you talk to, their way is the only way.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Fitness Spas: More than Just Massages and Facials

There used to be a time when fitness spas were more about being pampered than becoming fit. Today, although there are spas which still offer this kind of amenity, more women are choosing spas in which they can be taught to change their lifestyle and become healthier and lose weight at the same time.

Fitness spas have taken it upon themselves to empower women to change their eating habits and to feel good about themselves as well. A healthy way of living has become the focus of women around the world, and fitness spas have approached good health and dieting with a new purpose.

Attending a fitness spa allows a woman not only to relax and enjoy the spa experience, but also to focus on strategies which can be utilized later on in conquering weight gain, self-image concerns, and behavior which contributes to their growing anxiety over weight loss.

Perhaps the positive results gained from attending a fitness spa for a weekend is due to the fact that there are no demands being placed on the woman. For two days, there are no phone calls, family tugging at your sleeve, errands to run, a house to clean, or shopping at the supermarket. The mind is no longer cluttered with thoughts of lists unfinished or tasks undone.

Instead, the entire focus of the weekend is on you and you alone. Time is taken to regroup, reenergize, and find the balance within. So too, as a participant in a fitness spa, you may learn new techniques; new principles to apply to your lifestyle that will enhance the way you feel and become the catalyst for change.

While weight loss is a part of the spa experience, feeling like a new person who has become empowered to improve your overall being is an experience every woman should enjoy in their lifetime.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Exercise Safety Tips for Kids

It is estimated that over 3 million kids suffer injuries when exercising, whether it’s running, bike riding, or becoming overheated due to overexertion. In an effort to avoid any injuries, kids need to follow safety guidelines when involved in any form of rigorous or playful exercises.

Running: Stretching exercises should be performed to prepare the body for any type of physical activity. In addition, kids should cool down after each activity.

Bike Riding: Wearing a helmet, elbow and knee pads will protect kids from serious injury if they fall off or have a collision while riding.

Sports: When playing any type of sport, proper gear should be worn to protect kids from injury, including helmets, and knee and elbow pads. Notice should be taken to ensure the playground or park is in ideal condition for kids to play, as well as any equipment utilized in parks such as swings, monkey bars, teeter-totters, and other stationary equipment which kids utilize.

Dehydration: When running or engaging in any sport, drinking water should be a primary concern so that kids do not overheat and/or pass out from heat exhaustion.

Health: Before any kids begin exercise routines or participate in sports, it is a good idea to have them checked by a physician to ensure they are physically able to exercise in any form. Some kids may be limited due to conditions such as asthma.

Supervision: Kids who play in parks or on sports teams require supervision, that is, a parent or sports doctor who can assist an injured child while, at the same time, ensuring the kids are having a good time.

Exercising can be a fun activity, but oftentimes kids may not realize they are overexerting themselves and can run into a problem. More importantly, they may feel invincible when taking on an exercise such as bike riding or team sports and not wear the proper equipment. Encouraging kids to exercise and participate in sports is important, but teaching them the proper way to do it, without injury, is paramount.

Visit for more information and products for children's health and safety!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Massage Therapy and Crohn's Disease

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Crohn’s Disease

If you’ve just been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, or are being treated but are not experiencing full relief, you should look into alternative therapies. One activity that can provide relief is a regular massage.

Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition that affects the entire digestive tract. Anywhere on the tract can become inflamed and very painful. While symptoms may lessen or disappear, there is no permanent cure for Crohn’s.

Several studies have shown that Crohn’s flare ups happen more often when you’re stressed. Stress on your body causes it to operate improperly. This slows down your digestive system and causes excess acid production. When you experience intense or prolonged stress, these symptoms can trigger Crohn’s symptoms.

Massage therapy can help relieve your symptoms and prevent reoccurrence by relaxing your body and relieving the tension that builds up day to day. Regular massage can keep stress at a manageable level and help keep you healthy.

Flair ups can be triggered by a build-up of day to day stress, or can be triggered by an event that causes severe stress, such as the loss of a job or a loved one. If your symptoms are normally controlled by medication and diet, but you’re going through a period of severe stress, you may benefit from getting massages until you’re better able to relax on your own.

Can’t afford to go to a massage therapist on a weekly basis? Want massages more often? Why not ask your spouse to give you a daily rub down? While deep tissue massage from a professional may be the best medicine, a quick rub from your husband or wife can relax you as well.

If you’re dead set on going to a professional, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. Many massage therapy schools offer sessions at discounted rates. And if you get a student you don’t like, just request someone else next time you come in.

Massage isn’t the only way to reduce stress. You may also want to try: meditation, yoga, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, or even hypnosis. You can try one at a time, or combine several for added benefit. Plus, you should never underestimate a long bath or some quiet time at the end of a long day.

You should remember that massage and other alternative therapies should be used in addition to your normal treatment, not in place of it. Follow your doctor’s regular orders, take your pills, eat properly, and ask them if they think massage therapy could be helpful to you.

Not only will you experience fewer symptoms and flare ups, you’ll probably be feeling better in general because you’re more relaxed.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New Recommended Shop

You may notice that we have added a new button on the right. It may not seem like a shop named SnuggyBugz would be one that we'd recommend for your family's health, but we do! Why? They carry a great line of products that are specifically for families with young children, expectant and new moms! Here's a line up of some of the products that they carry that we recommend:

  • Medibag - This first aid kit was created with items you won't find in ordinary first aid kits - items that are specific to the first aid and comfort needs of children!

  • NaturalEco and Nature's Remedies - these are tested, pure, organic homeopathic remedies that are proven and guaranteed. Snuggybugz offers a line of these products specifically for Children (from bedwetting and sore throat to ADD and Anxiety), Infants (teething to earaches), Women (trying to conceive and female health), Pregnant and New Moms (breastfeeding, issues during pregnancy, postpartum needs).

  • Safety Products - they will be offering child id kits, medical id bands and much more for the safety of your children, home and family.

  • Comfort while breastfeeding is a big issue for many moms and having a baby that is distracted can lead to an unpleasant experience. Snuggybugz offers top quality Nursey Beads as well as many other breastfeeding products.

That's just some of the great products that they offer, so be sure to visit them and take advantage of their Free Shipping offer they are currently offering as part of their Grand Opening!

Chocolate Almond Pudding Treats

*I thought it might be fun to share a healthy treat recipe!

Chocolate Almond Pudding Treats


1 can light unsweetened coconut milk
2 1/2 cups skim milk or regular
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 packages sugar-free instant chocolate fudge pudding mix
Cool Whip


Combine skim milk, coconut milk, and almond extract and pudding mix in a bowl. Beat with a wire whisk until thick and smooth. Refrigerate and serve with Cool Whip.

Signs that You May Have Endometriosis

I have suffered with endometriosis for years. With each child it has either subsided for a while or reared it's ugly head even worse. Getting solid and understandable information about it can be a challenging, time consuming and confusing task! Here's a little bit of what the medical community says about this condition. Please keep in mind that it is intended to inform not prescribe and that there are other theories out there about endometriosis - it's causes and treatments.

Endometriosis is a common, but not well known condition that can occur in menstruating women. While symptoms normally start out mild, they can become severe and even lead to infertility. This is why it’s so important for all women who get their period to understand what this disease is and how to spot it. That way, it can be diagnosed and treated before the damage is too extensive.

Every month, menstruating women develop a layer of endometrial cells inside their uterus. In women with endrometriosis, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, these cells grow up and outside the uterus as well as inside.

When a woman has her period, these endometrial cells leave the body, but if they are not inside the uterus, they have no way to escape. These cells can grow on, into, and between the uterus, ovaries, bowels, and bladder. Very rarely the growths can spread even further, which is much more serious. The most common location or these growths is on the ovaries.

The problem with endometriosis is that many women don’t have any symptoms, or the symptoms remain so mild that their condition is not detected for many years. That’s why it’s important to have regular pelvic exams. While pain and infertility are the easiest ways to realize you have endometriosis, your doctor may also be able to catch it during routine examinations.

The most common symptoms are:

* Painful menstrual cramps that worsen with time. While you may have cramps when you first start getting your period, they should worsen with endometriosis due to the growth that usually occurs with each cycle.
* Persistent pain in the back or lower abdomen.
* Pain during sexual intercourse, urination, or bowel movements. These symptoms are more likely during menstruation.
* Heavy periods, short menstrual cycle (less than 27 days), and spotting between cycles. Because this is considered the cause of endometriosis, this should start before any other symptoms appear and often occurs as soon as you start getting your period. Many women with endometriosis also started getting their period at an early age.
* Infertility. Many women don’t discover they have endometriosis until they see a fertility specialist because they have been unsuccessful at conceiving.
* Fatigue. This may be mild or more severe.

If you have some or all of these symptoms, it’s important for you to talk to a doctor right away. Because symptoms come on slowly or are nonexistent, it may take a while to recognize what’s wrong and can keep you from being treated. Also, many of these symptoms are associated with other potentially serious problems. Your doctor can help you sort out your symptoms and receive proper treatment.