Benefits of Massage Therapy for Crohn’s Disease
If you’ve just been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, or are being treated but are not experiencing full relief, you should look into alternative therapies. One activity that can provide relief is a regular massage.
Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition that affects the entire digestive tract. Anywhere on the tract can become inflamed and very painful. While symptoms may lessen or disappear, there is no permanent cure for Crohn’s.
Several studies have shown that Crohn’s flare ups happen more often when you’re stressed. Stress on your body causes it to operate improperly. This slows down your digestive system and causes excess acid production. When you experience intense or prolonged stress, these symptoms can trigger Crohn’s symptoms.
Massage therapy can help relieve your symptoms and prevent reoccurrence by relaxing your body and relieving the tension that builds up day to day. Regular massage can keep stress at a manageable level and help keep you healthy.
Flair ups can be triggered by a build-up of day to day stress, or can be triggered by an event that causes severe stress, such as the loss of a job or a loved one. If your symptoms are normally controlled by medication and diet, but you’re going through a period of severe stress, you may benefit from getting massages until you’re better able to relax on your own.
Can’t afford to go to a massage therapist on a weekly basis? Want massages more often? Why not ask your spouse to give you a daily rub down? While deep tissue massage from a professional may be the best medicine, a quick rub from your husband or wife can relax you as well.
If you’re dead set on going to a professional, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. Many massage therapy schools offer sessions at discounted rates. And if you get a student you don’t like, just request someone else next time you come in.
Massage isn’t the only way to reduce stress. You may also want to try: meditation, yoga, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, or even hypnosis. You can try one at a time, or combine several for added benefit. Plus, you should never underestimate a long bath or some quiet time at the end of a long day.
You should remember that massage and other alternative therapies should be used in addition to your normal treatment, not in place of it. Follow your doctor’s regular orders, take your pills, eat properly, and ask them if they think massage therapy could be helpful to you.
Not only will you experience fewer symptoms and flare ups, you’ll probably be feeling better in general because you’re more relaxed.
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