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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Curcumin as an Aid in Prostate Cancer Treatment

While you may have used turmeric as a spice in your cooking, it is actually ground from the root of a plant Curcuma longa L, of the ginger family. Thus, curcumin as an aid in prostate cancer treatment has become the source of studies and lively discussion in the scientific world.

It is well-known that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. While the exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, studies suggest that diet is a risk factor in the development of prostate cancer, specifically, a high fat diet.

Curcumin has been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has the ability to rid the body of free radicals. Research has shown that curcumin “inhibited the induction of cancers of skin, fore stomach, duodenum, tongue, colon, and mammary glands in mice and rats.” Curcumin has also been effective against human prostate cancer in mice, as well.

The results of these studies indicate that curcumin could potentially increase the anti-tumor activity in humans. It has been shown to decrease cell proliferation and has been touted as a potential anti-cancer agent due to the fact it has significantly inhibited prostate cancer growth. Moreover, it also has the potential to prevent the progression of this type of cancer.

While research is still on-going, the news is good. Scientists have tested curcumin in combination with PEITC, which is a substance found in certain vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, and other leafy green vegetables. Studies with mice indicated that injecting them with this combination significantly reduced tumor growth.

Due to the results of these studies, many patients with prostate cancer are now combining conventional therapies with curcumin and PEITC. Studies are continuing in an effort to prevent and treat prostate cancer.