Kid Approved Meals

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Avoid Dehydration This Summer

One of the problems some people face during the hot summer months is dehydration. Because this can lead to more severe problems, such as heat exhaustion, here are some ways in which you can avoid dehydration this summer.

During the summer months, especially when at the beach, shopping, or exercising, it is important to always have bottles of water and salty snacks on hand. Any form of exercise can result in loss of salt and water due to sweating. If the water is not replaced, you can easily become disoriented, nauseous, and feel faint. Another sign of dehydration is if your urine is dark.

On hot days, it is especially helpful to drink at least ten glasses of water a day to keep hydrated. This holds true if you are indoors, as well. You may be cleaning the house or working in your garden in the heat and not realize you are losing fluids. Take a break and drink a couple of glasses of water. Run a wash cloth under cold water and place it behind your neck. This will help to cool your body, as well.

If you find you are dehydrated, experts say it is important that you not gulp down any fluids. This can cause vomiting. Sip a glass of water slowly to avoid any further discomfort. If you are outdoors, find a shady area and rest until the queasy feeling goes away. In fact, place a cold wash cloth in a plastic zip lock bag and keep it in your purse or tote bag, just in case.

In addition, you need potassium in your system. During the summer, have a banana a day, as well as snacks or foods which contain salt. You may also need to maintain your electrolytes, and there are many over-the-counter energy drinks available which serve this purpose. Carry water or energy drinks with you, as well as snacks, if you plan on being outdoors on a very hot day, whether at the beach, your backyard pool, or even at the mall.

Avoid dehydration this summer by paying close attention to what signals your body is giving off. Dehydration can affect anyone, especially children and older adults. On very hot days, check your elderly neighbors to ensure they are okay. They are especially vulnerable during the summer months.