The food we eat is usually pretty safe; there are standards used to keep harmful chemicals from making it onto our plates. However, there are no similar standard for body care products. Shampoos, soaps, lotions, and make ups all contain chemicals that can harm your skin or even cause cancer. Mineral make-ups shouldn’t contain these harmful chemicals and are much safer for daily use. Plus, they look great, feel light on your skin, last forever, and can be used on all skin types. Natural make-ups have been used in other cultures for centuries, why not try some for your skin?
While the some of the artificial chemicals in traditional make-up products may be considered safe, it’s still possible that you’ll react poorly to them. If may be that you have an allergy to traditional make-ups and don’t even know it. What you think is just unpreventable acne may actually be a reaction to the make-up or other products you put on your skin. Mineral make-up are hypo allergenic so they won’t contribute to your breakouts and other skin conditions.
In addition to the fact that mineral make-ups don’t harm your skin, the natural ingredients actually nourish your skin making it more healthy and radiant. They allow your skin to breathe without zapping out all their moisture, and they even protect you from the damaging rays of the sun. Imagine, your skin looking and feeling better because you’re wearing make-up.
To cover up imperfections with a normal make-up, you need concealer, foundation, and a powder. And most of the time, your skin imperfections still show right through. Mineral make-up provides great coverage for skin imperfections, acne, and even Rosacea. With these make ups, anyone can look like they have beautiful skin. And isn’t that what makeup is for?
If you’ve seen the T.V. advertisements, you already know that mineral make-up is a whole lot easier to use. You don’t have to worry about rubbing, smoothing, and blending. You just brush it on as you buff it in. It’s quick and easy. Plus, it lasts all day so you don’t have to keep reapplying to keep your skin looking fantastic.
Currently, there are little to no restrictions as to what can go into “natural makeup”. Many times the company will put a few natural ingredients in along with a slew of harmful chemicals and claim the product is natural. You can verify a product is natural by looking for guaranteed seals, like from the USDA. Just be sure you know what the seal your trusting means (what do they check, what percent must be natural, etc). You can also simply read through the ingredients list. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient name, don’t buy the product.
So if you’re looking for a make-up that looks great, feels great, and can even improve the condition of your skin, why not go buy some mineral make-up today.
Mineral Girlz is your place to get great Mineral Makeup that is natural and good for your skin! Great for girlz too!