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Monday, April 9, 2007

Hidden Allergens in Your Home

Do you get sick often? Do you feel tired and sluggish during the day? Do you often itch or sneeze? The problem may not be your sleep patterns or your immune system; you may have an allergy problem. Even if you clean and clean, they linger; rubbing up against you, polluting your air supply, and doing anything they can to get you sick. If your problems are severe, you should consider going to a doctor and getting treated, but if they’re just bothersome, you should try ridding your house of these hidden allergens before you take more drastic steps. Here are just some of the common allergy culprits.

This is one of the worst offenders for household allergies. It hides in your bed, your carpets, and floats around in your air. Here are some simple steps to help get the dust out from hiding and out of the house.
* Get rid of carpets. If you can’t, vacuum (they make hypoallergenic vacuums) and wash your carpets often. If you opt for rugs on the hard flooring, be sure to wash or steam clean them regularly.
* Get allergy covers for mattresses and pillows.
* Wash or steam clean your sheets and drapes frequently.
* Get a HEPA filter for your furnace and change it often.

We usually associate pollen with the great outdoors, but it can get tracked inside on clothes, hair and pets. During peak pollen season, take a few steps to keep it out of the house.
* Wash pets regularly.
* Install a HEPA filter in your house and change it regularly.
* Dry clothes and bedding indoors.
* Keep windows and doors closed.
* Keep grass around your house short. Tale extra care to remove weeds as soon as possible.

While you may be able to see and get rid of mold growing in your house, chances are there’s probably a lot where you can’t see it.
* Use a HEPA filter in your furnace and vacuum.
* Keep the humidity in your house low. If it gets above 55%, you should use a dehumidifier.
* Keep your bathroom clean and dry. Open a window or turn on a fan after a shower or bath. Clean tile and shower curtains often.
* Use mold-inhibiting paint in your basement.

Pet Dander
We love our pets, but it you’re allergic to them, you’ll enjoy having them around a lot less. Since there are very few hypo-allergenic pet breeds, if you want animals in your house, you have to take extra steps to stay healthy.
* Use a HEPA filter in your furnace and your vacuum.
* Don’t allow pets in your bedroom. This will keep you from breathing in dander while you’re sleeping, which is where you spend most of your time when your at home. If you can’t keep your door closed all the time, most pets can be kept out using baby safety gates.
* Buy a lint roller and a large stock of refills. You can roll your clothes if you hug or cuddle your pet. You can also use it to remove fur from furniture and blankets.
* Neuter male pets, this will reduce the amount of dander.
* Get rid of carpets if possible or vacuum them often.

While it might take a bit of work to get rid of the allergens in your home, you’ll feel so much better it will be well worth the effort.

Resources for Allergy Relief: