Hot Flashes
These are a common symptom in women going through perimenopause. Women who suffer from mild to moderate hot flashes can usually decrease their symptoms by getting larger amounts of soy protein. Soy contains phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens, that can mimic human estrogen, reliving these symptoms. Many women have experienced good results using soy protein instead of estrogen replacement therapy.
Bone Health
Loss of bone mass is a serious issue for woman in menopause and perimenopause. If your normal bone mass is not maintained, you’re much more likely to develop osteoporosis. You’ll also most likely to suffer broken bones, which can be devastating to older women. Soy protein contains calcium, along with magnesium and boron; all of these are essential in keeping your bones strong and healthy. In addition to providing these building blocks for your bones, certain chemicals in soy, called isoflavones, may help prevent your bones from breaking down. Getting enough soy everyday is a great way to keep yourself strong.
Heart Health
We all know that high cholesterol is a big risk factor in developing heart disease. And while heart disease used to be considered a man’s disease, we now know that it’s a killer in women as well. If you want to keep your heart healthy, soy protein can help. It has been shown to lower “bad” cholesterol levels. Getting enough soy protein now can not only help you if you have a heart problem, eating it before there’s a problem can help prevent one.
Cancer Prevention
While the previously mentioned benefits mainly deal with older women, soy can be a great benefit to younger women as well. It is suggested that the phytoestrogens in soy can help prevent breast cancer in younger women by preventing high levels of estrogen from reaching hormone receptors. While current studies are inconclusive, they are still promising.
In addition to all these benefits for women, we also know that soy can improve immune system functions for men and women, making you less likely to get sick and improving recovery times.
Since we already know it’s important for women of all ages to get enough soy protein, the next thing to find out is how much. Having too much soy in your diet can actually cause problems rather than fix or prevent them. You should strive to get about 50mg of soy protein a day. While there are supplements available, the best way to get this and any nutrient is through a proper diet. However, some studies suggest that sources such as tofu are better for you than products like soy milk.